1. Total 100 Centers in different states of country were selected for implementing this
scheme. The basic ides of selection was based on progressive farmers
performance in organic farming in past having requisite infrastructure and their
willingness for extending the activities of organic farming, natural farming and cow
based economies in future in nearby areas.
2. This is step forward to include trained farmers of the field of Organic
Farming/Natural Farming/Cow Based Economy for training and capacity building of
other farmers of nearby areas.
3. Four Field Coordinators were appointed for coordinating various activities of
“PDDUUKSY” and given responsibility for western, southern, eastern and northern
region of the country. These coordinators were responsible to conduct training on
the issues related to Organic Farming, Natural Farming and Cow based Economics
as per designed modules. Selection of beneficiaries in consultation with nodal
agency and Progressive farmer ( In charge Training Centre), welfare of participants
and checking financial use etc are some of duties of these coordinators.
4. Two days orientation program for Centre In-charges was organized in ICAR,
Headquarter, New Delhi during 19-20 January, 2017 wherein a detailed discussion
was held on the modalities of conducting training programs, financial guidelines,
administrative procedures and syllabus for training program and all the Centre InCharges
were informed accordingly.
This program was inaugurated by Shri Parshottam Rupalaji, Hon’ble MOS for
Agriculture and Farmers Welfares, Govt. of India, New Delhi and presided over by
Dr. T. Mohapatra, Sec. DARE & DG ICAR.The program was graced by Shri.
Murlidhar Raoji, Shri. Kripa Prashadji, Shri. Basant ji, Shri.Virendra Singh ji “Mast”,
Swami Shri Kadh Siddheshwar ji Maharaj, Shri. Hirdhay Nath Singh ji.
Technical sessions were held zone wise with the Field Coordinators responsible for
each zone and the CenterIn-charges were provided a detailed account of training
program to be conducted on Organic Farming/Natural Farming/Cow Based
Economy to the farmers. A field visit for all the participants of orientation program
was also arranged to the Organic Farm of Shri. Thakur Dhram Pal Singh, Thana
Bhawan, Shamli.
5. Subsequently, one day workshop was held on 04 February, 2017 at Agriculture
Extension Division, ICAR-IARI, Pusa, New Delhi to discuss and finalize the
curriculum and activities under PDDUUKSY. More than 25 training Center Incharges,
Scientists and other progressive farmers attended the workshop. A detailed syllabus was prepared for all five days of training program and was
circulated to all 100 CenterIn-charges.
6. Budget was released to all 100 centers to conduct five trainings each @ 1.00 lakh
per training and thus a total of Rs. 500 lakhs was released for the purpose from
January, 2017 onwards
7. Total 174 trainings have been conducted by different centers. Though 500 trainings
were planned, in view of shortage of time and non-preparedness of Center Incharges
for conducting all five trainings, the number of training programs conducted
was less. Thus through this scheme more than 5268 farmers were trained in
Organic Farming/Natural Farming/Cow Based Economy etc.
8. Information from different centres about activities carried out and impact of training
to the farmers is collected by Field coordinators. In this scheme the Farmers were
trained to act as a resource personnel at village level to encourage other farmers of
their villages.
9.Overall there has been a great impact of the activities of the scheme on the minds
of rural community in the villages and farmers are taking more interest in adopting
Organic Farming/Natural Farming/Cow Based Economy
10.A one day review workshop was also conducted under the chairmanship of Hon’ble
Agril Minister , during 18-19 April, 2017 at NRC on Integrated Farming, Motihari
(Bihar) for the Center In-charges of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Unnat Krishi
Shiksha Yojana (PDDUUKSY) of different zones to know the status of training
programmes organized by respective centers and to get feedback from the
participants, to plan future programmes and to prepare road map of new strategies
to be implemented during 2017-18
11.Through this program massage has been gone to more than 5268 farmers about
Organic Farming/Natural Farming/Cow Based Economy. The details of training
organised zone wise and total farmers participated are given in Annexure II.
12.During five days exposure training not only basics, fundamental of Organic
Farming/Natural Farming/Cow Based Economy was given but at the same time
required skill (how to do) was also imparted. Emphasis was also provided to
include ability (how to simplify and conveniently attempt) and experience (how tominimise losses and increase efficiency in the field of Organic Farming/Natural
Farming/Cow Based Economy) was also made.